a place where I share my thoughts, my life, and my pictures

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ye Old Cab Co Resumes

I miss being on Etsy.  Taking pictures of my family.  Making jewelry.  Overall, just, doing things for me.  Something I manage to look past all too often.  If I'm not going to work, worrying about my students, finishing my Grad class assignments, taking care of the house, playing with Grady to pieces.... Where in that time frame was I a part of my day.  My days are devoted to everyone else's needs and projects, but none of my own.  I suppose my grad class is for me, but I'm learning more and more that perhaps going into the public school system isn't the best idea.  Grady may be going to private school or being home schooled.  Things aren't looking good.  

So!  I have resumed selling Cabs on the side. I surely do love collecting stones, and what better way to collect them, than to sell them.  I'm also trying to convince Terry to give me a corner in the office to move my jewelry workshop into the house so I'm not stuck in the cold boring garage.  Or hot, in the summer.  There's s a quick screen shot of the shop.  I will be adding more cabs up every chance I get, and in the mean time, it's nice to have something on the side just for me.   


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