a place where I share my thoughts, my life, and my pictures

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our son Grady, has a speech delay. It was brought to our attention when he was 18 months old, and now that he's a little over 3 years old, he's finally going to get the services he needs to get better. The program is called "PEEP", Program for Educating Exceptional Preschoolers. He'll ride a school bus from our house, see Ms. Anna have fun with other children who are just like he is, and come home on the bus. This all starts on Thursday. I'm ecstatic, scared, happy... the emotions are rather endless.

You could say I'm going through "empty nest" at a very young age. I've had him with me at home since the day he was born and this change will be huge. He'll be going to school every day of the week so improvements can truly be made. I know he can do it.

Today we painted that birdhouse together. It became terribly symbolic after it was all said and done and I rested it on the deck to dry. He's my little bird. It's just that his little wings are impaired and need to be fixed. Soon enough, my little bird will be taking off! I just can't wait to really talk to him. We'll squawk at each other all day!

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