a place where I share my thoughts, my life, and my pictures

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Manly Man of a Husband

So what goes on in the evening here at the Reece house? Grady B. and Daddy have the coolest hand shakes. They're so cool to Grady that he can't help but smile and laugh at the same time because sometimes Daddy will give Grady a high-five and won't let go!

When Daddy can find the time, he goes fishing on his kayat-u (that's how Grady pronounces it). A few nights ago he came home with a Flounder, and tonight he came home with a Red Drum. That spot on his tail is the red drum sign. But there's more to him than that... he has very smooth lips and a simple face.

I'm a meat eater, to say the least... but when we do eat meat, we try to get the very best we can. Fresh fish from the water to your plate cannot be beat. All that shipping and freezing and sitting in a show case at your grocery store truly depletes the taste of fish. Fresh fish has absolutely no gaminess to it what so ever.

A good recipe if you ever decide to catch and filet your own red drum at home is to rinse and pat dry your filet, smother it in mayonnaise and dip that into parmesan cheese. Bake for 20 mins at 350 and you've got yourself some of the best fish eating you'll find out there... at your very own table.

I'm also very thankful for his bringing home these fish because it saves us a night of dinner money. We all enjoy these dinners more so than others b/c it's from Daddy's hard work (yeah right!) He loves going out there. One day I'm going to get a kayat-u too! A bright pink one. Oh yes. Pink she will be.

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